Professional History:
REALTOR® since 1976, Broker since 1978.
As a native of Fort Worth, she knows the market, especially in the TCU area
and southwest and west Fort Worth.
CRS - Certified Residential Specialist
LTG - Leadership Training Graduate
To get these two designations, CRS and LTG, she had to take classes and pass tests and
show that she had over 150 transactions in real estate, showing that she is serious about
her business and continues to learn and train to be the best she can be.
Of all the REALTORS® in America, only the top 5% have the CRS designation and those 5%
do over 20% of all the transactions. They are the cream of the crop!
Professional Organizations:
Greater Fort Worth Association of REALTORS®
Director on the Board for three different terms during 1988-2001.
Chaired several committees: Professional Standards, Neighborhood Revitalization,
Financing Procedures, and Bylaws.
Author of The Book of Neighborhoods
A comprehensive guide and history of individual neighborhoods in Fort Worth.
A work still in progress.
Texas Association of REALTORS®
Director from 1988-1991
National Association of REALTORS®
Women's Council of REALTORS®
Local Chapter President in 1988
Tarrant County CRS Chapter
President in 2000
Greater Fort Worth Association of REALTORS® Revitalization Award, 2004
- in recognition of her efforts to advance historic revitalization
Fort Worth REALTOR of the Year, 1991
Greater Fort Worth Association of REALTORS® President's Award, 1987
Greater Fort Worth Association of REALTORS® Spirit Award, 1996
Fort Worth Women's Council of REALTORS® Member of the Year, 1988
Community Involvement:
Commissioner on the Historical and Cultural Landmarks Commission for
the City of Fort Worth from 2000 to date
Member of the Board of Historic Fort Worth, 1998 to date
Chairman and several board positions with Historic Preservation Council for
Tarrant County until it dissolved
Member of Thistle Hill. President of the Thistle Hill Docent Guild in 1986
Member of First Christian Church
Member of United Way Task Force on Affordable Housing, 1990
B.A. in English Literature, Texas Christian University
Post graduate studies in accounting and real estate at TCU
Family and Hobbies:
Husband, Ted Klein, a Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Texas Christian University
Three grown children and four grandchildren
Owners of the Klein Angus Ranch in Bosque County, Texas
Designer of needlepoint patterns of structures, primarily houses
Writer of a Peanut Butter Cookbook